Friday, September 29, 2006

Thursday, December 28, 1871

(Worcester, Mass.) Up at 6.15, before being called. Off for Millbury. Directed to wrong depot. Trouble in getting carriage. Off at last by 7.30 train. Mr. Waters met us at Millbury depot. Rode to his house. Made ready for morning services. At 10.15 went down to church. Attended prayer meeting before opening of convention. At 10.45 delivered address on The Teacher's Sphere and Duties. Collation at noon. Met Record. Off by 1.30 train for Worcester with Record and a brother of O. H. Waters. At Worcester attended installation of Rev. S. W. Phillips. Off at 4.30 for home. Mr. Morgan on cars. Home at 7.30. Called at Father's. Slept from 9.30 to 12.45. Off for New York at 1.35 by sleeper car.
Friday, December 29, 1871

(New York) Up at 7.45 in 27th St. Yard. Called at Prime's. Downtown to St. Nicholas. Met T. N. Camp. Breakfasted with him. Down to Independent office. Met Gladden and Dr. Stanton. Up to Prime's. Saw James and talked with him about Father's will. Out with Sophy to Dr. Roose's. He not in. Back to Prime's to lunch. Talked with Prime about Father and Annie. Telegraphed Fred. Off at 3pm for home. Wrote and read on cars. Wrote up diary. Home at 7.30. Wrote new item for Independent. Johnny took letter to cars. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.30.
Saturday, December 30, 1871

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Busy awaiting letters and reading those received. March went to Meriden & Cheshire. Fred Camp came from Springfield at 11.45. Met him. After dinner downtown with him to bank, market, etc. He passed afternoon with us, and left for Norwich at 6.25. Johnny went to teacher's meeting in evening. Retired at 11.30.
Sunday, December 31, 1871

(Hartford) Up at 9.15. Took bath. Ice storm. Kept housed all day. Read papers. Read aloud to May and Ally. Conducted home service, preaching to children a sermon freshly prepared from Ps.126.3 Wrote Edward Kimball on the death of his wife. Wrote Fred. Called at Father's in evening. Johnny went down to Miss Goodwin's at arrange for New Year's presents to Morgan St. School. Retired at 10.30. Baby still far from well.
Wednesday, January 1, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Cold morning. Built two fires before breakfast. Worked on cash balance. Downtown in forenoon with Johnny. Saw Kelsey about furnace and T. T. Fisher about Aetna. Ordered articles at New Market. John B. Smith with us at dinner at 2pm. Long talk with him on S.S. matters. Wrote letters. Sent off Independent copy. Called at Father's. Bought book for Dr. Denison. Mrs. Gallaudet out to Dr. Turner's golden wedding. Retired at 10.30.
Thursday, January 2, 1873

(Hartford) Up at ___. Very cold. Thermometer showed 9° to 12° below 0. Called at Father's. Downtown with Johnny. Called on Russell & Fisher. Collected coupons at bank. Obtained money to pay Father's notes at Aetna Ins. Co. Paid them. Home at 2 to dinner. Downtown after dinner. Again at bank and Fisher's. Bought blank book. Wrote article on How Not To Raise Money. Telegram from James, saying he was detained another day. Called at Father's with it. In forenoon had talk with G. W. Williams about rear of my lo. Heard of Dr. Peet's death. At oranges in evening. Down in cellar with Johnny about water. Furnace repaired. Retired at midnight.
Friday, January 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Rainy morning. Walk icy. Milder weather. Called at Father's. Downtown alone. Called at Russell's, Fisher's, Aetna office and bank. In afternoon downtown again, with Johnny. Met Sophy & May & James & family at 5pm at depot, coming from holiday visit to New York. Called at Russell's & Fisher's. Saw Mr. Fessenden. In evening, wrote on Concert book, and out with Alice and Sophy to Dr. T. S. Child's to party. Pleasant evening there. Retired at 12.15.
Saturday, January 4, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.00, Bright wild day. Pleasant gathering at family worship. All together once more. Downtown with Johnny. Called at Fisher's, Russells', and Aetna office. Bought five shares of Aetna stock. Sold $1,500 Conn. West. bonds. Down to Therbg. Sem. library hunting items for work on Teaching. Home at 1.30. Down to Russell's & Fisher's after dinner. Thence to Rev. S. J. Andrew's house. Passed several hours there examinging books on Jewish school system, and in conversation about Irvingism. Down to Russell's. Home to tea. Out to S. S. Teachers meeting in evening at Asylum Hill church. Discussion of Internation Series there, and on Gen 1. Called again at Father's. Wrote Prime. Sent him check for $867. 82. Wrote up diary. Retired at 11.

(Irvingism )
Sunday, January 5, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Ice storm. Head aching. Nauseated. Kept housed all day and evening. Read papers, also in Barrow's Biblical Geography and Josephus. Gurdon called. Retired to rooms at 9.50. Alice startled by noise and went downstairs where her Mother sat. Retired finally for night at 11.
Monday, January 6, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9.50. Bright, cool day. Very slippery walking. Dr. Denison vaccinated Charley. Downtown. Sold $1000 bond for Prime. Called on G. W. Williams to secure him as superintendant of Asylum Hill S.S.; also J. B. Russell & T. T. Fisher. Met Turnbull, Wines, Burton, Starkes. Home at 2. J. B. Smith there to dinner. Off at 3.30 for New Haven & New York. Wrote up diary. Wrote on Independent notes. Met Calvin Child. Fred Camp and Miss Blackstone on cars. Chatted with them. At Prime's at 8. Called on Frank Allen. Back to Prime's. Pleasant evening with him. Retired at 11.30.
Tuesday, January 7, 1873

(New York City) Up at 7. Down to St. Denis Hotel. Met T. H. Cammp and had good talk with him. Breakfasted with Mr. & Mrs. Camp, Fred & Walter. Again had talk with Mr. Camp, called on Vincent. Downtown with Mr. Camp, called at Bible House, but failing to see Wisewell as I went. Dined with Vincent at Astor House. Attended meeting of Palestine Exploration Society in Wall St. Met Dr. Hitchcock, W. A. Booth, Dr. Potter and others there. Off at 4 for Phila. Again wrote and read on cars. At Mr. Kingsbury's soon after 8. Pleasant evening with him. Retired at 11.
Wednesday, January 8, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up at 8. After breakfast and prayers, called at Union rooms. Met Wurts and Rice and talked over mission matters, including Paxson's case. Met Mr. Ashhurst. Called on Gen. H. Stuart and Mr. Whilldin, with Kingsbury; also on J. N. Baker. Again at Union rooms. Saw Dr. Allibone. Borrowed books on Jewish history. Again talked with Rice, about S.S. World. Lunched Kingbury's. Off with him at 3pm for New York. Finished copy for Independent on cars. Read Jewish history. At Prime's, in ice storm at 7. Dined there. Fell on step, going out. Lost boots in package. Off from 42nd St at 8.08. Tel'd Alice. Lay down at 8.30. Home at 1am. Alice sad. Talk with her. Retired at 2.
Thursday, January 9 , 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.40. Head aching sorely. Alice and I breakfasted together. Read letters. Johnny off to Glastonbury, attending S.S. Institute. Called at Father's. Wrote letters. Downtown after dinner with Alice. Called at bank, post-office, Dr. Hunt's, butcher's, sewing machine rooms, corset dealer's, druggists and Father's. Wrote up diary. Johnny back at 6. Sent off corrected proof etc. Johnny out to church and Mrs. Bartlett's. Tried to balance cash. Retired at 10.30.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Friday, January 10, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.50. Downtown with Johnny. Had earnest talk with him about our relations. Home late to dinner. G. W. Williams called to see about S.S. and teachers meeting. Balanced cash. Bought books for Sophy. In afternoon and early evening wrote article for blackboard. Called at Father's. Obtained check from him, and money on it for Mother. Johnny downtown in evening. Retired at 10.45.
Saturday, January 11, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Called at Father's. Sent barber to him. Downtown with Johnny. Called at bank; also for talk about S.S. Union, on Mr. Gage. Home at 1.15. John B. Smith came in. Telegrams from Wurtz & Marsh. Marsh at Springfield. Paxson coming from Phila. Off with Johnny at 3.30 for New Haven. Johnn bound for New London & Norwich, taking Paxson with him. I on to Westport. Wrote on Concert book. At Westport met Mr. Geo. C. Lees. Home with him. Passed evening and night there. Retired at 10.15. Very cold.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sunday, January 12, 1873

(Westport, CT) Up at 7.30. Very cold. Read awhile before and after breakfast. Down to Congl. Church. Preached "Conscience" sermon, conducting service. Attended S.S. at noon, sitting in Mr. Lee's class. Remained at church at intermission. At 2pm, attened 40th Anniversary of S.S. Spoke of Chinese work, and Indians. Back to Mr. Lee's. Commenced letter to Fred. In early evening down to Congl. Church. Led prayer-meeting. Comment on S.S. lesson for next Sunday. Gen 3 1-8, 15. Afterwards at Meth. Church. Retired at 11.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Monday, January 13, 1873

(Westport, CT) Up at 7.15. Slight fall of snow. Wrote on diary. Off for New Haven about 9. At New Haven called on E. M. Reed. Home by new express. Paxson and Marsh at house. Paxson stopping at allyn House & Marsh with him. Both dined with me. Paxon off for New York at 3.30. Marsh talked over matters of his field and the general work. He went out to Thomas' concert in evening. Called at Father's. Downtown with Marsh & Johnny. Retired about 9.30.
Tuesday, January 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Johnny and Mr. Marsh looked over list of places from which donations might come. Mr. Camp called and left $50 for frame of Henry's picture. In evening wrote notes for lessons for Independent. Wrote letters. Retired at 10.30. Downtown. Called on G. W. Williams, also at J. B. Russell's & Co., and bank.
Wednesday, January 15, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Re-wrote lesson notes for Independent. Paxson came again from New York in early evening. Rose Terry at Father's. Called there twice. Called on J. B. Russell & Sons and at bank after dinner. Wrote Sunday letters. Earnest talk with Paxson about his work. Retired at 11. Robby Erwin called in evening.
Thursday, January 16, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Rainy morning. Paxson called early, and passed most of the morning with us. Prime came at noon to Father's. Saw him and had talk about Annie's property. Downtown, called at Aetna office., J. B. Russell's, Spear & Whiting's, and at Allyn House on Paxson. Had hair cut. Saw Mr. Abbe about Paxson. Paxson went to 4th Congl. Church to talk to S.S. Retired at ____ after writing letters.
Friday, January 17, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Paxson called. Downtown with him to see Mr. Abbe. Attended funeral of Dr. Crane's child. Paxson off to Boston at noon. Downtown in afternoon. Called at bank, J. H. Russell's house, etc. Off at 4.50 for Springfield. Called at Mrs. Merriam's, after supper at Massasoit. Off at 8.45, after writing letters, for Boston. Met Rev. B. G. Northrop on cars. At Boston about midnight. Met by Geo. Wattles. At Parker's & retired at 12.30.
Saturday, January 18, 1873

(Boston) Up at 7.45. George Wattles breakfasted with me and talked over his studies and work. Called at Shute's. Met Paxson. Called at Noyes', Congregationalist office, book-stands, etc. Dined with Shute & George. Met Pratt. Telegraphed Platt of Cheshire. Down to Boston & Albany depot. Hand corns cut. Supped with Shute & George. Out to Parsons' house. Pleasant talk with him. Retired, there, at 11.15.
Sunday, January 19, 1873

(Boston) Up at 7.30. Walked with Parson to Highlands, to hear him preach on Faith. Met Jas. Goodman, Simmons, Mr. Monroe ("Templeton"), and others. Back with Parsons to dinner. Sat with him in his family class studying the lesson of the day. Out to Berkely Street and Parson's S.S. Paxson spoke at former. Led in prayer there. Called at Pratt's. Back to Parson's. Out to his church in evening, to concert. Spoke on California work. Called with Parsons on Kinsley. Passed an hour and a half there. Back to Parsons. Retired at 11.15.
Monday, January 20, 1873

(Boston) Up at 6.50. Rev. Mr. Reed called after breakfast. Down to Shute's office. Met Paxson and Pratt. Called at Congl. rooms. At Park Street Chapel attended minister's meeting. Heard Dr. Barrows tell of western work. Again at Shute's. Lunched with Kinsby. Met Chapman, Paxson & Shute & Murmy at Parker's. Off for home at 3. Paxson with me. Met Capt. Partridge on cars. Home at 7.30. Johnny met us. Paxson went to Allyn House. Marsh back from Waterbury. Nervous. Retired at 10.30.
Tuesday, January 21, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Wrote draft of reply to Dr. Barrow's circulars as to Cong. Pub. Soc. and Am. S.S. Union. Called at Father's. Downtown with Johnny after dinner. Bought ice spurs. Wrote on Independent items. Commenced revision of reply to Barrows. Again called at Father's. G. W. Williams called to talk about rear of his lot and mine. Retired at 11.
Wednesday, January 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up after wakeful night, at 7.40. Mr. Marsh off at 8.10 for New Haven. Rewrote remainder of reply to Barrows. Downtown at noon. Met Mr. Haven. He came home with me to dinner. Downtown with him. Called at "Courant" office. Finished Independent items. John B. Smith called. Mr. Haven took tea with us. Mr. Marsh came from New Haven. Downtown with Mr. Haven. Called again at "Courant" office. Back to home and prepared for start in morning. Retired at 11.
Thursday, January 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Johnny could not find slip for printer. Disturbed in consequence. Off at 8.10 for New York. Made notes for evening lecture. Met Dr. H. M. Storrs on cars. Pleasant talk with him about Home Missionary and Am. S.S. Union work. At Prime's about 1. Prime not in. William sad over loss of his child. Called at Allen's. He out. Mrs. Allen in. Down to Kurtz's. Ordered new pictures. Down to Bible House. Met Paxson, Wisewell, Wurts. Lunched with Wurts. Talked with Wisewell about his acceptance of secretaryship. Severe snow storm. Over to Brooklyn with Johnny. Lectured at Tabernacle Free College on "What One Man Can Do" Over to New York and up to St. James Hotel. Supped. Retired at 12.25.
Friday, January 24, 1873

(New York) Up at 6.30. Snowing slightly. Breakfasted at Ashland House. Off for home at 8.08. Wrote on diary. Met Sam'l Coit & Churchill of New Britain on cars. Home at noon. After dinner corrected proof of reply to Dr. Barrows. Downtown to J. B. Russell & Sons, G. W. Williams, etc. Called at Father's. Mr. Hurd called to talk over New Britain Institute. Wrote letters. Retired at 8.40.
Saturday, January 25, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 10.15. Downtown. Did marketing. Talked with G. W. Williams. Had long talk and pleasant one with Gov. Jewell about Mr. Haven's nomination. After dinner called at "Courant" office. Sent off circulars. Telegraphed Shute. C. D. Warner called. Called at Father's before and after dinner. Wrote up diary. Retired at 10.30, after balancing cash and writing to Rev. A. C. Adams.
Sunday, January 26, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Mr. Marsh off to Wethersfield and Glastonbury. Attended church in prenoon at Asylum Hill, and heard Twichell preach on Love for Neighbors. Called at Father's. After lunch read and had S.S. lesson with children. Called at S.S. room at close of school. Walked out with Twichell. Read at home. Out to Camps in evening, after prayers at home. Mr. Marsh came back from Glastonbury about 10. Retired at 11.30. Dr. Denison called in afternoon to bid good bye before going South for several months.
Monday, January 27, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.20. Snowing briskly. Mrs. Gallaudet and Mrs. Marsh went to New York at 8.10. Downtown before dinner to printer's. Wrote reply to Vincent article on Normal Work of Forty Years ago. Called at Father's. John B. Smith called with notes of review article. He stopped to tea. Snow continued. Wrote up diary. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.30.
Tuesday, January 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Off at 8.00 for New York. Wrote on Independent copy. Finished article for Vincent. Met Dr. Kettell. At Ashland House for lunch. Met Gen. Greeley on street car. At Bible House at 2. Had long talk with Rice about California matters, also with him and Wisewell about Paxson. At 5pm called on Vincent. Pleasant talk with him about Normal work in olden time. At 6.30 met Johnny at Hoffman House. Attended superintendant's sociable with him at Dr. Crosby's church. Took part in discussion. Heart Dr. Armiston. Met Frank Allen and other friends. At 11 met Bromley at Hoffman House. Had supper. Retired about 12.30.
Wednesday, January 29, 1873

(New York) Up at 7.50. Very cold day. Breakfasted with Bromley. Downtown with him and Wisewell and Johnny. Called at Independent office. At Van Lennups' at noon. Received first copy of Nat'l Conv. Report. Met A. Tagler. Visited Meth. S.S. rooms. Called on Vincent. Dined with him. Off for home at 3pm. Met Bromley on cars. Wrote on Independent. Met Rev. J. D. Graves. Home at 7.30. Very cold evening and night. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.
Thursday, January 30, 1873

(Hartford) Coldest day of season. 28° below O. Made cash entries. Wrote letters. Called at Father's. After dinner. S. H. Hubbard called to ask for editiorial for "Courant" on Mr. Haven. Wrote it and took it to office. Marsh off for Westfield. Talked with Sykes about Park Ch. S. S. In evening prepared article on Dr. Barrow's circulars for "Congregationalist". Retired at 10.30 with head-ache.
Friday, January 31, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.50 with severe head-ache. Obtained order for Carpet Co. dividend from Father. Downtown with it. Found it not yet payable. Wrote article for 00000 paper. Johnny made ready for a start to Boston, and left at 7. Wrote letters. Down to Republican Town Caucus. Thence to Mark Twain's lecture for poor of Hartford. Sat in box with Dr. Burton, T. W. Russell, & Sophy. Home, after call at Father's, at 10.35. Retired at 11.45.
Saturday, February 1, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.40. Head still aching. Wrote letters in forenoon. Telegram from Johnny. Called at Father's. Obtained order for sale of 18 shares of Aetna new stock. Called at Hartford Carpet Co. office. Obtained $288 dividend for Father. Paid it over to Mother. Called on Mr. Chapman about straightening of house lot lines. Called at Charter Oak bank. Rode back with J. B. Smith. Walked up the Hill with Rev. Mr. Krep. Downtown after dinner. Called at Courant office and on Mr. Russell. Johnny home at 7.30. Rested on bed in afternoon a half hour. Made notes for sermon in evening. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.
Sunday, February 2, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Cold, clear day. Prepared for morning service. Down to 4th Cong. Church. Preached for Mr. Wines in his absence, from Luke II 40-52. Nelly & Lizzy Camp and Johnny Wattles there. They & Kitty Camp dined with us. Called at Father's (after talk in family over S.S. lesson). Rose Terry there. Read at home awhile. Downtown at 6.30 with Johnny to Pearl St. Congl. S.S. concert. Mr. Gage, Father, Hawley, Mr. Morley & self speakers. Subject "Time". Home at 8. Called at Father's. Cracked nuts and ate apples. Retired at 10.30.
Monday, February 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.20. Called at Father's. Downtown with Johnny to Russell's and bank. Bought four Aetna rights. Sold eighteen rights to Russell for Father. Called at office of "Post". Met Sperry & Fitch of Bulletin. Made out monthly statement and sent off money to Phil. Downtown with Alice. Took carriage to Gen. Franklin's and to Hartford Hospital to call on Franklins & Hastings. Snow storm. Wrote in evening. Retired at 10.30. Annie troubled with croup. Up and down with her during night.

Tuesday, February 4, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Downtown with Johnny. Called at Mrs. Moore, at "Courant" office, at Russell's, at Bissell's. etc. Wrote on Independent items. Off at 3.30 for New Haven. Met Pres. Strong on cars. Wrote further on Independent items. At New Haven House at 5. With delegates to Republican State Convention. Supped at restaurant. Met Bromley in evening, and had talk with him about Hartford and Norwich "rings". Attended Caucus of delegates at Brewster's Hall. Exciting discussion over candidates for governor. Home by owl train. Annie still sick. Retired at 1.30.
Wednesday, February 5, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 6.45. Off at 8.10 for New Haven. Met Mr. Eminger on cars. Wrote on notes for speech. Had long talk with him about Wurts. At New Haven House about 10. Attended Republican State Convention at Music Hall. Exciting contest for gubernatorial nomination. Henry P. Haven nominated by acclamation after first informal ballot. At noon dined at New Haven House. Met Mead of Demin, also officers & men of 10th CV attended convention in afternoon. Home at 7. With A. A. Burnham on cars. Called at Father's. Wrote letters. Retired at 10 very tired. Annie & Charley sick with colds. Alice had wakeful, troubled night.
Thursday, February 6, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright day. Wrote up diary. Wrote appeals for money. Called at Father's. Then at Eve. Post office. Bought Kissengen etc. Called at J. B. Russell's. Paxson here at noon from Boston. Sent for Marsh. Had talk with Paxson about his field & work. Pres. Strong took tea with us. Paxson out to Asylum Hill Church in evening. Children still quite poorly. Retired at 10.
Friday, February 7, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.10. Down to 8.10 train. Met Marsh on his way from Boston to New Haven, to see Mr. Ives. Back to house. About noon down to J. B. Russell's. Obtained $895.50 fo 19 of Father's Aetna rights. Paid $900 at bank on note for Father. Gave new notes for him for $2800, at 30 days from 4th inst. Down to 3.20 train with telegram from Marsh to tell Paxson not to go to New Haven. Again at house until 4.40. Down to cars. Paxson off for Springfield. Marsh came to house to stop until 7, when he left. Wrote article on Reviews for April "World". Severe sleet storm in evening. Father at house twice during day. Called at his house in evening. Retired at 11.
Saturday, February 8, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Bright warm day. John B. Smith called after breakfast. Letter from Fred. Wrote him. Finished up article on Review Questions for World. Wrote letters. Downtown. Paid Hatch & Tyler & Tuller & Fisher. Annie quite weak. Baby not quite as well. Dr. Hunt called twice. Expected Mother Gallaudet & Elizabeth. Wrote letters to Gov. Gray, Mrs. Merriam & etc. Sent articles to "World" & S.S. Times. Downtown. Bought fish, cakes, meat, oysters, etc. At train at 7. Mrs. G. not there. Called at Father's. At 9 o'clock Mother & Elizabeth appeared, coming via Plainville. Retired at 10.30.
Sunday, February 9, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 6.30 with Charley. Walked with him. Cold day. Remained at home. Dr. Hunt called forenoon and afternoon. Took nap before dinner. Read papers. Made notes from them. Called at Father's, after dinner and in evening. Charley much better in evening. Helped Sophy & Johnny about S.S. lesson. Wrote Ned Gallaudet. Pres. Porter preached morning & evening at Asylum Hill Church. Retired at 10.30.
Monday, February 10, 1873

(Hartford) Charley not quite so well. Up at 7.10. Off at 8.10 for New York. Father Walsh on cars. Wrote up diary. Wrote on notes for Independent. At Prime's about 1pm. Called at Bible House. Met Paxson & Wisewell. Called at Van Lenneps' & Vincent's. Lunched at Sinclair House. Off with Paxson for Newark at 4pm. Called at G. A. Peltz's & S. W. Clark's. Paxson went on. Telegraphed Continental Hotel for room. Met Wisewell at 6.45 on train for Phila. and talked with him as we rode thither. At Continental about 10. Kingsbury there. Retired about 11.30, occupying room with Wisewell.
Tuesday, February 11, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up at 7.50. Called at Union rooms about 9.30. Met Paxson, Wurts, Rice & Kingsbury. Had talk with Wurts about Paxson. With Wisewell, Wurts, & Rice, had conference with Paxson about his work and field. Paxson off at noon. Letter and telegram from Johnny as to children. Called at Tyler's & Bakers. Both out. At Union rooms had talk with Rice & Wurts. Off for home by 5.30 train. Difference at depot restaurant about dinner ordered. At New York with Wisewell about 9. Stopped at St. James Hotel. Met Bromley at Hoffman House. Supped there. Retired at 11.30.
Wednesday, February 12, 1873

(New York) Up at 6.30. Cloudy morning. Breakfasted at Ashland House. Off for home by 8.08 train. Thos. Gallaudet & Rev. W. K. Hall & H. P. Haven on train. Wrote Independent items. Home at noon. Father and Ally ill. Downtown with Johnny after dinner. Bought chicken at Brown's. Called at "Courant" office. Robby Erwin at house at tea. Twichell called in evening. Johnny went to hear Prof. Novllett. Retired at 9.30 in Johnny's room. Wrote letters.
Thursday, February 13, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Ally about the same. Wrote up diary. Wrote letters. Downtown before dinner. Closed a/p matters as to Father's stock in Aetna Fire Ins. Co. Talked with Mr. Dunham as to Mr. Haven. Called at bank. After dinner slept two or three hours. Wrote article for S.S. World for April on Who shall teach them? Mr. Hurd called in evening to talk over S.S. Institute at New Britain. Twichell called. Over at Father's in evening. Retired at 11, in Johnny's room. About 3am, went down to Alice's room, and remained there - Ally being worse; requiring mustard drafts on her chest, etc.
Friday, February 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Ally quite ill. Wrote letters most of forenoon. Down to depot, to bank, to Tuller's, to Aetna Fire Ins. Co., to Churchman office, to market, & to grocers. Wrote up diary. Received $600 from Mr. Merriam. Called at Father's in evening. Retired at 9.45, sleeping on floor of Alice's room.
Saturday, February 15, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Ally a little better. Mr. Seymour of Norwalk called with donation of $300. Downtown with Johnny with copy of card for Marsh to printers. Called at bank and Russell's. Bought clock for kitchen. Marsh came about noon from Springfield. Talked over work with him. Ally worse. Downtown with Marsh. Called at Dr. Hunt's. Marsh off at 3.30. Dr. Hunt at house in afternoon and evening. Jenny Erwin took tea with us. Wrote letters. Called at Father's after dinner and after tea. Wrote up diary. Lay down on floor about 11. Up and down.
Sunday, February 16, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Ally very sick. Remained at home all day except while called at Father's. Had talk with Gurdon about Bible study. Snow falling most of day. Quiet in Ally's room. She seemed to gain from it. Read papers. Made notes from them. Had worship with family in early evening. Wrote Mr. Haven and F. Allen. Johnny went down with Mr. Haven's letter to post-office. Lay down on floor - Ally's crib-bed on floor - about 10.30.
Monday, February 17, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Warm day. Johnny ill with cholera morbus attack. He went downtown once, then lay down. Downtown before noon. Telegraphed Mr. Haven. Wrote letters. Thomas Gallaudet came at noon from Boston and passed rest of day with us. Downtown after dinner. Called at Dr. Hunt's. Wrote letter to Mr. Haven, in Mr. Fessenden's office. Erwin boys at house at tea. Met Mr. Dillingham of Brooklyn at Allyn House. Called at Father's just before tea. Wrote up diary. Packed valise. Called at Father's in evening. Ally better. Talke with Sophy & Johnny. Lay down at 11.

Tuesday, February 18, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Ally much refreshed by quiet sleep. Called at Father's. Johnny ill. Sent telegram to Mr. Haven. Rode to depot with Dr. Hunt. Off at 9.45 for Springfield. Wrote up diary. At Springfield called on Holland. Off at 11.45 for the West. Met W. W. Wheaton. Wrote on Independent items. At Albany met Mr. Haven. Newton with him. At Utica took lunch. At Syracuse supped. At Rochester Drs. Randolph & Newton came on train. (Long talk with Mr. Haven as we rode from Albany to Rochester. Mr. & Mrs. Joy & Mr. Wheaton on train to Rochester.) At Niagara Falls about 1.20am. Retired at Spencer House, at 2am.
Wednesday, February 19, 1873

(Niagara Falls, NY) Up at 7.50. Breakfasted at 8.30 with Drs. Randolph, Newton, Vincent, and Chapin. & Mr. Haven, Jacob, & Tyler, also Rev. Mr. Gibson of Canada. Later Dr. Hall, Rev. Mr. Ward & Mr. Scott came. Meetings of International Lesson Com.e. After dinner, rode out to see Falls, with local pastors. Sent copy to Independent. Telegraphed Alice. Wrote up diary. Sat with Lesson Com.e. until 11. Executive Com.e in session after that until 11.30. E. Payson Porter & Judge Davis came in evening. Retired at 12.30.
Thursday, February 20, 1873

(Niagara Falls) Up at 6.40. After breakfast, attended Lesson Com.e-session. At its closed at 12pm walked with Dr. Hall to Falls. Bought trinkets. Walked with Vincent. Met T. DeWitt Talmadge at dinner. All hands off at 1.45 for Rochester and home. Talked with Vincent, Randolph & Tyler as to Normal Manual. At Rochester took sleeping car section with Haven. Delightful talk with him far into evening. Retired about 12.
Friday, February 21, 1873

(Bost. & Albany R.R.) Up about 6.30, near Westfield. At Massasoit House about 7.10. After breakfast called at Holland's. He offered to give me plates of Children in Temple. Met Dr. Curtis. Called with Mr. Haven on Mr. Merriam. Off at 10.40 for home, having telegraphed Johnny. Snow commenced to fall. At home about 12. Down to Gov. Jewell's office with Mr. Haven. Pleasant talk there. Snowing hard. Mr. Haven off at 2.15. Home to late dinner, wrote letters. Called at Father's. Charley poorly. Ally and Annie better. Sophy & May & Johnny went to private theatricals at Allyn Hall. Retired in Johnny's room at 9.
Saturday, February 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Sick head-ache on me. Unable to do anything in forenoon. Napped it until noon, on lounge. At 3.30 downtown to depot. Train an hour late. Down to "Courant" office with Kinney. Off at 4.30 for Meriden. Met Marsh at depot there. He went on to New Haven. Met Dr. Hatch. Called with him at office of Britannia Co. Left water-cooler. Bought spoons, etc. Off for home at 6.25. Met Dr. Walker & John B. Smith on cars. Supped at restaurant with latter, in Hartford depot. Called at Father's. Balanced cash. Retired at 11.30.
Sunday, February 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Nelly Camp with us at prayers. Down with Johnny to Park Church. Heard Rev. Dr. Walker preach on Prayer for Christ & his Kingdom. Called at druggist, going and coming. Called at Father's. Read in afternoon at home. Wrote Ned & Mr. Haven. Johnny lost letter to Mr. Haven. Anxious about it. Prayed over it. Start out in its search, after prayer. Johnny found it. Earnest talk with him. Mr. Nott called. Nelly Camp came again in evening. Retired at 9, in Johnny's room. Downstairs once or twice afterwards, to see Baby.
Monday, February 24, 1873

(Hartford) Up with sick headache at 8.45. Water pipes leaking, Johnny off to get them repaired. Baby no better. Dr. Hunt anxious as to his milk. Called at Father's. Sent Henry for John Dunn. Down to bank, Gov. Jewell's, "Courant" office, G. W. Williams, & Geer & Pond's. In afternoon sent for Drs. Hunt & Stearns for Baby. Mr. Hurd came and stopped to tea. Wrote up diary. Dr. Hunt came again in evening. Had early tea. Mr. Hurd off by 6.15 train. Wrote letters. Nelly Camp came in evening to stop the night. Retired, in Johnny's room at 11.30.
Tuesday, February 25, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Downtown with Johnny. Called at Gov. Jewell's, at G. W. Williams, and office of "Post". Late to dinner. In afternoon called at "Courant" office. Called at Father's twice. In evening commenced draft of Independent S.S. Lesson notes. Slept in May's bed. (Dr. Stearns with Dr. Hunt in forenoon. Baby a little quieter.) Retired at 12.
Wednesday, February 26, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Off at 8.10. Wrote on Independent items. Met Dwight Wheeler at New Haven. Sat with him to New York. At 42nd St. at 12.45. Called at Prime's and on Walter Camp. Down to Vincent's office and Wisewell's. Again at Vincent's. Dined at St. Denis with Vincent, Randolph, & Tyler. Again at Walter Camp's. Called at 5th Ave Hotel for Gov. Jewell. Dined with him. Met Walter. Called at Prime's and Allen's. Off at 8.05 for home. Took sleeping car. Unable to sleep, save from New Haven to Minden. Home at 1. Sat up until 3.15. Baby had pretty quiet night. Nelly Camp with us. S.S. 225=1500.
Thursday, February 27, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Baby hungry. Gave Ally her new and large doll. She much delighted. Downtown, after call at Father's. Called on G. W. Williams. Told him he need not hold the rear of his lot for me. Called at bank, at Boardman's, at office of "Post" - where I wrote Haven & Jewell. After dinner took nap. Wrote letters. Mr. Hurd came in evening to talk over Institute programme. Nelly Camp came again. Baby very restless, but brightened up at 9.30. Retired with Johnny at 11. Had talk with Sophy about assisting mama.
Friday, February 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Baby about the same. Called at Father's. Down to Meserve's with Johnny. Paid Boardman for soap and starch. Wrote on "Evening Post" editorials in afternoon and evening. Called at Father's in evening & also at James. James gave me catechism. Sat with Baby until 12.15. Read fairy stories to Alice. Baby better. Alice watched him alone from midnight.
Saturday, March 1, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Baby better. Down to office of "Post". Talked with Sperry about editorial work. Called at Dr. Stearn's. Bought coffee. Rewrote editorial on Haven. Marsh came at noon. Worked on cash account. Made out monthly report and sent it off. At office of "Post" again after dinner. Marsh off by evening express for Meridan. Down to Dr. Stearn's with Johnny. Dr. Crane called. Talked about land. Called again at Father's. Wrote up diary. Retired at 11.30. Nelly Camp came again for the night. Baby better.
Sunday, March 2, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Out to Asylum Hill Church to forenoon service. Twichell preached on "Transfiguration". Excellent sermon. Communion service followed. After dinner talked over Lesson with Sophy & Johnny. Out to Church to look at books in Dr. Stowe's library. Sat there for two and a half hours. Called at Father's. Looked over books on Egypt in evening. Retired at 8.50.
Monday, March 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. All better. Paid Dr. Hunt's bill. Downtown. Corrected proof at "Post" office. Wrote Rice. Marsh came at noon. Good talk with him. Wrote editorial for Boston "Globe". Wrote other letters. Mr. Meserve came at 5pm to talk about S.S. Missionary work. Expressed his readiness to go to California. Dr. & Mrs. Crane called in evening. Retired at 12. (Read and made notes on Egypt.)
Tuesday, March 4, 1873

(Hartford) Children much better. Up at 8. Letter from Wisewell. Made ready for a start to New York. Alice received $200 from Prime. Made notes for Concert Exercises. Off at 1.20 for New York. Wrote on Independent items as I rode. At Prime's at 5.45. Dined there. Down to Central Methodist Church, corner of 7th Ave. & 14th St. to Supts. Social. Subject, reviews. Met Vincent, Tyler, Wisewell, Ferris, Hugh Peters, Allen, etc. Walked back with Allen. At Prime's at 10.20. Retired at 11.30.
Wednesday, March 5, 1873

(New York) Up at 8. After breakfast Allen called. Down to Wisewell's with him. Called at Reading Room of N.Y.S.S. Union. Down to Allen's office. Thence to N.Y. Independent office. At 1 met Miss Morris at Bible House. Dined with Vincent at St. Denis. Again at Wisewell's. Stopped at Prime's. Off for home by 3.08 train. Wrote Independent items. At home at 7.15. Called at Father's. Down to "Courant" office. Retired at 11.
Thursday, March 6, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.50. Bright day. Head aching most of day. Worked on Concert Exercise. Downtown in forenoon. Called at office of "Post" and at bank. Paid sundry bills. Balanced cash. Wrote again after dinner. Slept awhile on sofa. Mr. Hurd came in from New Britain in evening, to arrange programme of Institute. Worked with him until midnight. Retired at 11.30.
Friday, March 7, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright day. Feeling better. Finished concert exercise on Egypt. Wrote for "Post" and "Courant". Nelly Camp dined with us. Downtown with Johnny. Called at "Courant" office. Left editorial on Christian Statesmen of England. Bought birds, called at Father's. Wrote up diary. Wrote batch of letters. Retired at 11.15.
Saturday, March 8, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Bright warm day. Called at Father's. Down to "Post" office & Tuller's & Gen. Jewell's. Off at 2pm for Springfield. Met Meserve at depot to talk over California work with him. At Springfield called on Holland, Rev. Mr. Reed, Mr. Merriam & Mr. Newell. Reported change for Meserve for Cain. Off for house by 5.10 train. Wrote up diary. Made notes of work for past year. Meserve met me at depot. Talked of salary with him. After tea walked downtown with Johnny. Obtained Tract Society books. Retired at 11.30. Gen. Hawley called. Pleasant talk with him over Congressional matters.
Sunday, March 9, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Out to Asylum Hill Church and heard Twichell preach on Dorcas, and the power of silent graces. At noon conducted S.S. lesson exercise at home. The Camp girls present, also at dinner with us. Called at James' on Prof. Whitney, at Dr. Stowe's library room, and at Twichell's. At Father's two or three times. Read papers in evening. Looked over works on Egypt and on the Hebrews. Retired at 11.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Monday, March 10, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.20. Called at Father's. Mr. Hurd came in to see about Institute programme. John B. Smith brought Golden Texts. Down to office of "Post". Obtained mended boots. Called at Father's after dinner. Off at 3.30 for New Haven with Gen. Dickenson & Maj. Blakeslee. Made notes of travel on cars. At Jarman's met Miss Churchill and Mrs. Whittlesey. Supped at New Haven House. Attended Adm'l Foote Post G.A.R. initiation. Made two talks. Lunched with Post. Off for home at 11.15. Home and abed at 1.
Tuesday, March 11, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Warm rain. Wrote article on "Our Congressman's First Term" for "Post". Called at Father's. Read article to Mother. Gurdon called to talk over fish picture notices. Down to office of "Post". Met Huntley. Called at "Courant" article. Telegraphed Boston. Balanced cash. Wrote letters. Off at 7.05 for Boston. Slept most of the way from Springfield. Wrote on Independent items before reaching there. George Wattles met me in Boston. Retired at Parker's at 12.30.
Wednesday, March 12, 1873

(Boston) Up at 7. After breakfast out to Shute's. Marsh there. Called at Danne, Illsley & Co. & H. D. Noyes. Had corns cut. Bought books at stall. Called on Kinsley. Called again at Noyes & bought inkstand for Johnny. Dined at Parker's with Shute. Met Rev. C. C. Tiffany there. Bought furs for Alice. Off at 3 for home. Kinsley on train. After writing on Independent items had long talk with him. Met Hubbard of "Courant", at Springfield. Home at 7.30. After showing furs to Alice (finding her heart light at happiness in home) downtown with Johnny. Called at "Courant" office. Supper at Syke's. Retired at 11.
Thursday, March 13, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Cold in house. Bright outside. Worked on articles for May "World" all forenoon and early afternoon. Down with Johnny to offices of "Post" & "Courant". Met Gen. Hawley. Revised Egypt exercise for concert. Twichell called twice about letters for Rice. Wrote letters. Called at Father's. Wrote up diary. Down to depot with Johnny. Retired at 12.30, after aiding Johnny packing his valise.
Friday, March 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Packed valise. Called at Father's. Down to bank, to "Post" & "Courant" offices. Called on Meserve. Off with Johnny at 1.20 for New York. Meserve met me at cars. Wrote article on non-church-goers in S.S. At New York at 5.30. Dined at Fifth Avenue Hotel. Called at Prime's & Allen's. At Prime's for night with Johnny. Retired at 12.30.
Saturday, March 15, 1873

(New York) Up at 8.30. Frank Allen called after breakfast. At Fifth Avenue Hotel to obtain package of Johnny's. Down to Bible House. Met Wisewell & Miss Morris. Called at Vincent's & Van Lennep's. Down to Allen's office. Lunched with him & Sophy. Saw Johnny off at 3pm on San Salvador for Savannah. Walked to Allen's office. Missed 4pm train. Waited at Jersey City depot. Wrote up diary. Off by 5pm train for Phila. At Continental at 8.45. Met Kingsbury. Had hair cut. Retired at 11.30.
Sunday, March 16, 1873

(Philadelphia) Breakfasted about 9, being up about 8.15. Met Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rodgers & Mr. Lankton. Called at Mr. Kingsbury's. Met McCullagh. Attended Dr. Newton's S.S. Heard his closing remarks. Attended Presbyterian church, corner of West Arch and 18th Streets. Heard Dr. Rodgers preach from text "Their strength is to sit still". Called at Colonnade Hotel. With Mr. Kingsbury visited 12th Street Quaker S.S. & Bethany Miss. S.S. Met Mrs. Foster & Annie. Wrote letters. Mailed them. Dined at Continental. Passed evening with Kingsbury & Mr. McCullagh. At supper at hotel met Dr. & Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Stedman. Retired at 11.30
Monday, March 17, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up at 8. After breakfast called on John Wanamaker. Pleasant talk with him about general exercises and questioning. Out to Union rooms. Met McCullagh, Kingsbury, Wurts & Rice. Long talk with Rice over our relations and work. Dined at Continental at 5.30. Called at Kingsbury's. Attended teacher's meeting of Bethany mission at Wanamaker's house. S.W. Corner of Spruce & 20th Streets. Said a few words there. Back to Kingsbury's. Lunched. Off at 12.20 for New York by sleeper car. Retired at 12.30.

Tuesday, March 18, 1873

(Jersey City, NJ) Up at 7.30 in depot. Up to Prime's (after a call at Walter Camp's.) After breakfast heard Prime read a sketch of Camp Keno. Down to Bible House. Back to Prime's and up to depot. Off at 12.15 for home. Wrote on Independent items. Met Gen. Rockwell. Rode with him from Stamford to New Haven. With Gen. Goodyear from New Haven to North Haven. Home at 5 with sick headache. Mr. Hurd came in in evening. Called at Mrs. Bartlett's. Wrote letters. Mailed them at depot. Called at Father's and talked over Bible lessons with Gurdon. Retired at 11.
Wednesday, March 19, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright day. Sophy went to Mrs. Moore's daughter's funeral. Wrote up diary. Finished up Independent items. Balanced cash. Kept housed until nearly night. Meserve called. Sent letters to post office by him. Downtown once before tea. Wrote article for "Post". Called at Father's. Made ready for start to New Britain. Retired at 12.30.
Thursday, March 20, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 6.50. Out to New Britain by 8.15 train to take charge of S.S. Institute at Meth Spis. church, for Hartford county. Session commenced at 9.45. Made opening address. Reviewed forenoon exercises. Went to Rev. J. H. Denison's to dinner, with Camp girls. In afternoon conducted teaching services on Gen 28.10.22. Reviewed afternoon session. Supped at Denison's. Twichell and Vincent came. Evening session at Center Church. Spoke briefly at close of session - back to Hartford, with Vincent by 9.45 train. Pleasant visit at house with Vincent. With him at depot at 12.15. Retired at 12.30. He off to New York by owl train. (Showery & snowy day).
Friday, March 21, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Sophy with me for New Britain at 8.15. Conducted Institute exercises again. Closing address of forenoon. Addressed State Normal School at noon. Miss Morris at afternoon session of Institute. Made closing address about 4pm. At noon dined at Strickland House with W. B. Prime. Home at 6. Down to Republican caucus at 8. Called at "Courant" office and Father's. Retired at 11.30.
Saturday, March 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Meserve called. Gave him commission. Wrote up diary. Father called twice. Slept three hours after dinner. Wrote letters. Called at Father's. Down to Morgan Street to attend newsboys reading room and see Meserve. Retired at midnight.
Sunday, March 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Read papers. Chatted with children, and showed them picture in nursery. After dinner slept two hours. Father called twice. Called at his house. Out to Camps in evening. Long talk about conversion. Prayed there. Home and abed at 11.
Monday, March 24, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Read letters. Letter from Johnny at Screven House. Arranged papers. Wrote letters. Down to Post Office. Lunched early. Down to depot with May. Train late. Off at 1.30 for New York with May. Tried to write Independent items. Head confused. Met T. W. Russell, Calvin Child, & Bromley. At Prime's at 5.40. After dinner, called at Allen's. Telegraphed Gurdon. Finished Independent lesson notes. Chatted with Prime. Retired at 10.40.
Tuesday, March 25, 1873

(New York) Up at 7.15. Snowing morning. Downtown to Dey St. Breakfasted at Parker's. Off by 9am train for Phila. Wrote items for Independant on the cars. At Phila. about noon. Called at Tyler's, Baker's & Union rooms. Dined at Continental restaurant. Met Dr. Randolph there. Had chat with him over normal work. Met Com. & Puls. at 3.30. Laid plan of normal manual before them. Met Baker & Tyler. Off by 6.15 train - delayed for Washington train until 7.15. At Astor House at 10.50. Telegram from Marsh there. Supped, and retired at 12.
Wednesday, March 26, 1873

(New York) Up at 7.15. Rode to Allen's. Thence to Prime's to breakfast. Allen called. Down with him to Wisewell's. Called on Vincent and down to Allen's office. At Independent rooms. Back to Wisewell's. Dined with Vincent. Talked over normal manual with him. Met Marsh at Wisewell's. Out with him to buy toy for his Charley. Met McCullagh. Called at Chancellor Crosby's & Dr. Hall's, with Wisewell. Then at Fifth Avenue Hotel to see Walter Camp. Dined at Prime's at 6. Off with Gurdon for home at 8.05. Took berth in sleeping car. Abed at 9.30. At home and abed again at 1.30.
Thursday, March 27, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Wrote editorial on Rip Van Winkle's confusion for "Evening Post". Down to office of "Post". Wrote Mr. Haven. Called at Father's. Wrote up diary and wrote letters after dinner. Nelly Camp came, and copied letter for me. Downtown with letters. Met Meserve. Telegraphed Shute. Called at Father's in evening. Looked over papers at table. Retired at 11.
Friday, March 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.10. Bright day, Called at Father's. Downtown. Ordered Sunday dinner. Met Dr. Turnbull, also J. B. Smith. Obtained at Sec. of State's office, notes for Gillettes in 1872 for Mr. Haven. Wrote letter. Ordered kindlings. Off at 12.20 for Boston. Wrote Johnny. Wrote up diary, and on Independent items. Met Jas. Denison on cars. At Shute's about 5. At Parker's with Sophy at 5.30. Dined. Shute & George came in in evening. Sat in room. Lunched downstairs. Met Mr. Chapman & Maj. Brooks. Retired at 11.15.
Saturday, March 29, 1873

(Boston) Up at 7.45. At Shute's at 9.15. At Dr. Perkin's with Sophy. Her corns cut. Called at bookstall. Again at Shute's. Sophy went shopping. Out to Parsons' with Shute. Dined at Parker's with Shute & George. Off at 3 for home. Rainly afternoon and evening. Home at 9.40. Wrote letter to Shute. Prepared statement as to California for Meserve. Sent both off by owl train watchman. Took bath. Retired at 12.15.
Sunday, March 30, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.15. With Mr. Langley. Prepared for Pearl St. S.S. Attended it. Heard review exercises. Spoke at the close of the session. Back to Hill. Down to So. Baptist S.S. Thence to Morgan St. S.S. Spoke there on review of the quarter's lessons. Met Mr. Hawley. Back to Hill. Attended Asylum Hill S.S. Concert. Called at Father's. After dinner in nursery. Retired at 7.30. Troubled night.
Monday, March 31, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Bright warm day. Wrote article for "Post". Downtown with it. Saw Bromley. Obtained books of Tract Society. Called at Father's two or three times. John B. Smith dined with me. Talked over normal manual with him. Father called. Wrote letters. Downtown with letters. Wrote again in evening. Called at Father's. Met Sarah and Annie there. Sent letters to mail by Henry. Retired at 11.40.
Tuesday, April 1, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.45. Bright day. Wrote Fred. Downtown with Alice. Bought presents for Rose Terry. Called at the offices of "Post" and Gov. Jewell. Home late to dinner. Called at McClunie's. Father called. Wrote letters. Made notes of travel and work for annual report. Wrote on Independent items in evening. Down to "Courant" office. Obtained figures for Mr. Haven. Retired at 11.45.

Wednesday, April 2, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Rainy day. Wrote on editorial for "Post", and finished Independent copy in forenoon. Down to offices of "Post" & "Courant", and to Secretary of State's office. Met L. E. Stanton. Talked about Anthony Comstock. Received book on Morgan School-house from him. Meserve called in evening. Talked over California field with him. Called at Father's. Wrote up diary. Wrote on report for March. Retired at 10.45. Letters 4=12.

Thursday, April 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Made out monthly report. Balanced cash. Wrote letters 15=27. Down to state-house. Saw Mr. Moore. Sent check to Mr. Knowles. Out to Talcottville by 6.20pm train. Met C. D. Talcott at depot. Went with him to Mr.. Oratt's, who was absent. Talked about Mr. Haven and the license matter. Stopped at Mrs. H. W. Talcott's. Pleasant evening. Retired at 10.15.
Friday, April 4, 1873

(Talcottville, CT) Up at 6. Bright morning. Off for Htfd. with C. D. Talcott at 7.30. Home at 8. Father called. Called there. Wrote Mr. Haven. Down to "Post" office, state house bank, and market. Worked on annual report. Gen. Hawley called. Down with Alice to toy shop. Bought carriage for Ally. Gurdon called in early evening. Head troubling me. Called on Maj. McManus. Worked again on annual report figures. Retired at 10.45. Letters 5=32.
Saturday, April 5, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Showery morning. Down to "Post" office. Called at Gen. Jewell's office. Paid bill at Leymn's & Co. Called at Father's. Gen. Hawley called. Finished annual statement to Phila. Wrote up diary. Down to depot to meet Walter Camp and May at 7. Home with them. Down in evening to Allyn Hall to hear Gen. Hawley. Over to his office with him. Sat there until 10.35. Back with him to 0000. Retired at 11.30. Letters 6=38.
Sunday, April 6, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Cloudy forenoon. Thunder shower about noon. Walter Camp went with Sophy & May to church. Sat with Father. Ally with us. Talked with Walter in afternoon in library. Read in Smith's Bible Dictionary on Targums & other versions of Scriptures. Sat with Walter in evening, and until midnight. He off by owl train. Retired at 1.15. Wrote Johnny (39).
Monday, April 7, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Rainy day. State election day. Down to polls with Father. Wrote to Mr. Knowles about Meserve. Downtown after dinner. Called at "Post" and "Courant" offices. Walked home with C. D. Warner. Met J. B. Smith & asked him to aid me in preparing Concert Exercise. He at house awhile. Meserve came in evening. Talked over his work with him. Downtown with him. Heard news of defeat of republican state ticket, and of election of Hawley to Congress. Home and abed at 10.45. Letters 3=42.
Tuesday, April 8, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Cloudy and bright by turns. McClunie came to look at grounds. Coal came. Man put it in. Sent man to Prospect St. to look for Meserve. Trask took down outer door. Prepared Review Concert Exercise. Called at Father's. Father called at house. Alice downtown. Met her there. Downtown before and after dinner. Letter from Johnny. Balanced cash. Retired at 10.30. Letters 8=50.
Wednesday, April 9, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Wrote notes for Independent. Wrote letters. Downtown. Called at "Post" office. Showery day. Left item for evening paper. Downtown again in afternoon. Looked over S.S. Missionary letters. Retired at 10. Letters 10=60. Mr. Child met me downtown, walked with me to post-office and home, talking about Sophy's private lessons.
Thursday, April 10, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Bright morning. Mr. Cushing called again to see about his class in S.S. Downtown. Met Mr. Willard. Had talk with him about S.S. Called at Father's, at Aetna Fire Ins. Office, and at Courant office. Cut off coupons from Father's bonds and deposited the to his credit for collection. Sent off other missionary letters. Downtown about five o'clock. At depot at 6 met Mr. Haven. Brought him home for the night. Out to Mr. Warner's for a call in the evening. Retired at 10.15. Letters 22=82.
Friday, April 11, 1873

(Hartford) Good Friday. State Fast day. Awoke at 3.15. Unable to sleep for an hour or more. Up at 5.25. Breakfaste at 6 with Mr. Haven. He off at 6.30. Bright and beautiful morning. Out to Asylum Hill Church prayer-meeting at 9.45. Home and slept until 1.20. Down to post-office. Wrote article on Bible Class Teaching for "World". Wrote letters 6=88. Retired at 11.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Saturday, April 12, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 5.15. Off with Alice at 6 for Boston. Cloudy morning. Met Lt. Lord at Worcester. Wrote articles for S.S. World for June. At Boston at 11.15. Raining. At Shute's. Thence to Danne, Illsley, & Co. to have sack changed for Alice. Back at Shute's. Again out to Danne, Illsley & Co. Dined at Parker's. Snowing. Alice remained at hotel. Supped at Parker's. Off for home at 9pm. Delay from telegraph poles down and from snow. Home at 4.30am.
Sunday, April 13, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Disagreeable day. Rain and thaw. Housed all day, except a call at Father's. Slept several hours. Read papers and articles in Smiths Bible Dictionary. Talked with children about Joseph. Retired at 10. Called up by Father at door, wishing to stay with us all night. Gave him spare room. Retired about 11, very tired.
Monday, April 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Father up about 9. He with us until noon. Then returned to his house. Down about town to Aetna Fire Ins. Co. office. Paid up on call for script for self and Johnny. In afternoon rented box of Safety Deposit Co. Wrote letters. Gurdon called in evening, and had long talk about Father. Down to Dr. Hunt's. Called at Father's. Retired at 10. Letters 8=96.
Tuesday, April 15, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.20. April day. Cloud and shine. Wrote letters. Downtown. Changed papers from my box in Chapter Oak bank to Safety Deposit Co's safe. Met Gurdon. After dinner too nap. Father called here twice. Alice slept for several hours. Downtown to post-office and Leyms'. Mailed letters. Letter from Johnny. Balanced cash. Letters 17=113. Retired at 10.40.
Wednesday, April 16, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Leonard came to relay garden walk. Watched him. Wrote on Independent items. Gurdon called. Down to Dr. Hunt's after dinner. Again wrote letters and newspaper items. Called at Father's. Had talk with him about Gurdon. Downtown in evening with Gurdon. Bought ice cream and cakes for children. May at "Club" at house. Letters 7=120. Retired at 10.15.
Thursday, April 17, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Wrote at home all forenoon. Gurdon off to New York at 8.10. Father called. Telegram from Dr. John Hall. Downtown after dinner. Called at Mr. Fessenden's. Wrote letter to Dr. Vincent there. Telegraphed Gurdon. Rainy evening. Trask hung garden gate and looked at my ground plan of addition to house. Called at Father's. Downtown before tea wtih addy copy for S.S. column of Independent. Wrote up diary. Letters 14=134. Retired at 10.15 after bath.
Friday, April 18, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Off at 8.10 for New York. Wrote on items for Independent on cars. Met Gen. Greeley. At Prime's at 4. Down to Wisewell's. Met Kingsbury. At Vincent's. He not in. Again at Wisewell's. Called on Dr. Hall at 4. He agreed to take portions of normal manual on his return from Europe. Again at Wisewell's. Dined at Prime's. Called at Allen's. With Wisewell to see Chas. Robinson. He not in. At Tyng's. He not in. Kingsbury with us. Back to Prime's at 10.15. Retired at 11pm. Sent letters to Fred & Alice =136.
Saturday, April 19, 1873

(New York) Up at 7.45. Took Congress water at Caswell's. Head aching. Up to Dr. Robinson's with Wisewell. He agreed to take another part of Manual. Down to Independent office. Thence to Allen's. Lunched with him at Delmonico's. Back to Wisewell's, after call at Wallace's and Pine Street. Dined at Prime's. At Allen's. Talked about Learned. Up to Dr. W. H. Thompson's with Wisewell. He agreed to write for Manual. Long call there. Back to Prime's at 10.30. Retired at 11.15.
Sunday, April 20, 1873

(New York) Up at 8. Head aching. Out to Walter Camp's. He out. Called at Allen's. Attended Christ Chapel in forenoon. Mr. Collings spoke on Forgiveness of Debts. Walked back with Allen & wife. Telegram reporting arrival of steamer. Rode to foot of Warren Street. Steamer in. Johnn had left it. Back to Madison Square. Hunted for Johnny. Found him at Ashland House. Down to Dr. Tyng's 24th Anniversary of S.S. Talked with Dr. at the close. Back to Ashland House. Looked in at Dr. Thurmon's bible class. Dined with Johnny at Prime's. Talked with Williams' wife, Mary. Heard Dr. Crosby in Bible exposition on Isaac & Rebecca. At Allen's rooms. He out. Lunched at Ashland House. Retired there with Johnny at 11.30.
Tuesday, April 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Cloudy morning. Head troubling me severely. Wrote letters. Michael 0000 called to see about pension. Gave him dinner. Downtown with him. Made out certificate of his wounding. Met Mrs. Dr. Naylent. Johnny out in evening to Dr. Hunt's to see about my head. Called at Father's. Took pills and bromide of potassium, bathed feet, retired at 10.30. Letters 7-144.

(Potassium bromide
Wednesday, April 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Head somewhat better. Wrote on Independent items all forenoon. Father called twice after dinner. Sen. Langdon called at noon. Downtown with Johnny to Tullers', offices of Courant, post-office, telegraph office, etc. Walked uptown with Warner. Langdon took tea with me. Out with Johnny to Camps in evening. Called at Father's. Dr. & Mrs. Turner & Mrs. Bacon called. May had friends in parlor. Retired at 11.15. Letters 4=148.
Thursday, April 24, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Bright day. Wrote letters. Balanced cash. Down to Teller's, bank, Fox's, Geer & Ponds, & Brill's with Johnny. Bought magic rings. Called at Father's. Off at 2.15 for Norwich. Read magazine and papers on cars. Fred Camp met me at Norwich at 4.40. Rode about town with him. Called on Mr. Merriam and Mr. Coit. Supped at Wauregan. In at Broadway Church in evening. Mr. Merriam spoke of growth essential to Christian life. Spoke on same theme. At Wauregan for night with Fred. Talked with him about his business and plans. Retired at 11.15. Letters 11=159.
Friday, April 25, 1873

(Norwich, CT) Up at 7.30. Off for house at 8.48. Mr. Burnall on cars. Read magazines and made notes for Independent. Home at 11.30 feeling weak. Head aching. At Father's. Father called three times at house. Downtown with Johnny. Up to North Main Street. In evening attended Public High School Commencement exercises. Retired at 11.15. Letters 2=161.
Saturday, April 26, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Cloudy & bright by turns. Looked over papers an magazines. Downtown with Johnny. Called on young Burt. Out to McClunie's in evening. Called at Father's. Stopped at Twichell's on the way to McClunie's. He not in. Retired at 11. Letters 6=167.

(Twichell -
Sunday, April 27, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Out to church with Sophy & Johnny & Ally. Heard Rev. Dr. Stockbridge of Providence. Walked home with him. Twichell, Mark Twain at Michell's. After dinner called at Gen. Hawley's. Mr. E. D. Hotten from Milwaukie called there. Long and pleasant chat with Hawley. Talked of his first senatorial contest, also of his new purposes and plans. Home late to tea. Looked over history of Egypt with Johnny and Sophy in evening.
Monday, April 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.10. Bright day, John B. Smith called on his way from Plymouth. Mr. McClune came and looked over grounds. Hurt my foot against the piazza steps. Kept housed all day. Father called. Martin box set up. Wrote notes of Independent article; also letters. Looked over papers on floor and in drawer. Sophy went with Mr. Skinner to High School reception. Johnny went also. Retired about 9, very tired. Letters 11=178.
Tuesday, April 29, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.45. Bright morning. Played rings with Sophy & Johnny. Wrote up diary. Balanced cash. Downtown with Johnny to market, bank, Talcott & Post's, "Courant" office and City Hotel. After dinner hanged pictures. Made salad dressing. Miss Cushing, Kinney, Merriam, & Childs came to tea. Played needle gun game & ring toss. Mr. Hurd called. Called at Father's. Retired at 11. Letters 6=184.
Wednesday April 30, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.10. Wrote up diary. Bright day. Wrote at home all forenoon. Colored minister from Baltimore called. Early dinner. Downtown with Johnny to bank, Fox & Dow's, market, etc. May arranged for her dialogue with Nelly Rathbone in evening. Early tea, in kitchen. Plumber in kitchen in afternoon at work on water-pipes. Called at Father's. Obtained $100 for Mother, for coal bill, etc. Letters 18=202. House full in evening for people gathered to see "play". Mr. Cushing & others remained. Trouble balancing cash. Retired at 11.45.
Thursday, May 1, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 5.25. Bright morning. Hyacinths trodden down by little feet under window. Of with May and Ally at 6.30 for Fairfield. Leaving them there, went on to New York. Read and wrote for Independent items. At Prime's about noon. Took Chinese cow to him. Down to Wisewell's. At Vincent's met Taylor, Truman, & Peltz. Dined at St. Denis. Talked with Vincent as to Manual. At Prime's at 6pm, to dinner. Bp. McCloskey there. Called on Frank Allen in evening, also on Walter Camp. Retired at 11.
Friday, May 2, 1873

(New York) Up at 7.30. Raining hard. Out to Caswell's to get Congress water before breakfast. Downt to Wisewell's after breakfast. Off at 11.35am for home. Wrote on Independent items on cars. At Fairfield met Alice and Ally who joined me for home ride. Changed cars at New Haven. Home at 5pm. Read letters. New girl in Annie Anderson's place. Johnny down to Musical at Miss Bucher's school. Worked on Concert Exercise until midnight. Retired at 12.45.
Saturday, May 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Rainy day. Worked on Concert Exercise on What Think Ye of Christ? all forenoon. Read it to Alice and Johnny after dinner. Down cellar to furnace and to look after rubbish. Mother called. Wrote letters. Called at Father's in evening. Downtown with Johnny to post-office, Geer & Pond's, Leynes', Dr. Stearns', Williams & Hull's, & Watson's. Made out monthly a/p and sent check to Phila. Wrote up diary. Retired at 11.30. Letters=4.
Sunday, May 4, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright day. Out to church with Alice. Heard Twichell preach on Forgiveness. Attended Communion service. Head aching. Read and rested in afternoon. Called at Father's. Out in evening to church. Heard Rev. Mr. Chew of Ottawa, Kansas preach on the Transfiguration. Retired at 11.30, after hunt in upper story for possible burglar.
Monday, May 5, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Bright day. Worked in garden with Johnny, transplanting bulbs and caring for turf. Wrote lesson notes for Independent. Called at Father's. Off at 1.15 for New York with Annie and Alice. Gen. Hawley & Mr. & Mrs. Bromley on cars. Pleasant ride, although dusty. At Prime's at 5.30. Passed evening there. Bishop McCluskey there. Retired at 11. Letter 1=5.
Tuesday, May 6, 1873

(New York) Up at 6.45. Bright day. Head aching hard. Lay down again. Up at 9 for breakfast. Rode out with Alice and Annie. Bought dress & parasol for Sophy at Johnson's. Called at Wisewell's and Vincent's. Both out. Down to Allen's office. Back to Prime's. Lunched. Off for home at 3pm. Met E. C. Bissell & B. G. Northrup on cars. Home at 7. William Wattles with Johnny. Rev. Mr. Pettibone called. Gurdon called to talk aobut Miss Niles. Busy evening. Retired at 11.45.
Wednesday, May 7, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Bright day. Balanced cash. Wrote up diary. Kept housed until evening. Wrote on items for S.S. World for July. "Election Day". Children went down to Mr. Fessenden's to see parade. Gen. Ingersoll inaugurated. Downtown with Johnny, after call at Father's. Called at "Courant" office. Took sherbert with Johnny at Briggs'. Alarm of fire in Ann Street. Called again at Father's. Retired at 11.30. Dinner at 5. Gurdon's hand jammed in car door. Put balsam on it. Letters 7=12.
Thursday, May 8, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15 with headache. Mr McClune came to put out new juniper trees and to remove peach trees. William Wattles off at 9.30 for Windsor. Downtown with Johnny. At bank. Obtained $150 for Mother on Father's check. E. C. Bessier dined with us. Tried vainly to wrote on Review tract. J. B. Smith called in afternoon. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.40. Letters 1=13.
Friday, May 9, 1873

(Hartford) Rainy day. Up at 8.15. Wrote on Review tract until 5pm. Called at Father's. Johnny paid interest on note for me at Savings Bank, also J. Goodnow. Downtown with Johnny. Called on Mr. Wines, at Dr. Stearns', and at Talcott & Fuller's. Wrote up diary. Called at Father's. Gurdon called to talk about Father and gas lights. Retired about 11.15. Letters 7=20.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Saturday, May 10, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Raining still. Worked on Review tract all forenoon. Johnny went off at 3.30 to Greenwich. Down to cars with him. Met Miss May Bacon. Gave her George Gray's book of 0000 story. Met J. B. Smith on his way to Great Barrington. Down to Watkinson Library. Home after hunt for Todd's Student's Manual. Wrote again on Review tract. Called at Father's. Wrote up diary. Put up papers. Retired at 11.15. Very severe thunderstorm at night. Fearful peals of thunder about 3am, waked up everybody. Letter 1=21.
Sunday, May 11, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Out to church in forenoon. Heard Twichell preach on the world being dead to a Christian. Showery day. Called at Father's. Read for evening talk. Down to Fourth Congl. Church in early evening. Changed concert recitations on Egypt, followed by Mr. Wine's address. Spoke briefly after him, showing mummified crocodile and other relics. Home, and retired at 11.
Monday, May 12, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Bright day. Worked again on Review Exercises. Johnny returned at noon. Wrote on Review Exercises until evening. Downtown with Johnny. Bought figs and medicine. Called at Father's. Retired at 11. Letters 2=23.
Tuesday, May 13, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Wrote on lesson notes for Independent. Down to New Haven by noon train to attend army reunions. At New Haven Hotel saw many old friends. At Theological Seminary re-union from 2 to 3. At Fromm's Hall attended re-union of Ninth corps. Heard ovation from Chaplain Woodbury. In evening attended banquet, with Twichell, Otis, Newton & men. Home by midnight train. Retired at 1.30. Letter 4=27.
Wednesday, May 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Bright day. Off at 8.10 with Johnny for New Haven to attend military meetings. At G.A.R. Encampment and Council of Administration, at state house until 2. Dined with Johnny. At Music Hall at 3 to hear ovation and poem before Army of Potomac by Gen. Devens and Col. Van Zandt. Pres. Grant, Vice Prest. Wilson. Gens. Sherman, Sheridan, Hancock, McDowell, and a host of others present. Met Hawley, Jewell, Buckingham, Etc. Saw Mr. Pardee about his son Benjamin. Home with Johnny at 7pm. Wrote copy for World. Retired at 11.45. Letter 3=30.
Thursday, May 15, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Bright day. Off at 8.10 for New Haven. Capt. Parker and others on cars. Wrote on Review Exercises. At New Haven went to G.A.R. convention. Examined Adjt. Gen'ls books and made report on them. Gen. Devens chosen Commander In Chief. Dined at New Haven house with Maj. Mallory. Off for home at 3.15. Wrote on diary. Home at 5. Wrote copy for S.S. World. Called at Father's. Retired at 11.30. Letters:32.
Friday, May 16, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Bright day. Downtown with Johnny. Called at Leynes', Mr. Fessenden's, Prescott's. Bought refrigerator and school and camp books. Johnny off at noon for Fairfield county to organize Sunday Schools. Down with Alice to have Charley's photograph taken at Prescott's. Stopped at Syke's for soda water. Out to Mrs. Camps with Alice and three children. Called at Bp. McFarland's. Head hurting me. Tried vainly to write on Review Exercises. Wrote letters. Called at Father's. Down to depot to mail letters. Wrote up diary. Letters 5=37. Retired at 10.45 after bath.
Saturday, May 17, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Wrote on Review Exercises. Downtown after early dinner. Obtained photographic proofs of Charley. Ordered team at Spencer's. Called at Father's. Telegraphed Ensign. Wrote letters. Bought strawberries. Talked with Sophy about Glastonbury trip. Retired at 11.
Sunday, May 18, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Bright day. At 8.45 off with Ally for Glastonbury. Pleasant ride. At Mr. Kittredge's about 10.15. Preached Conscience sermon in morning. Collection taken for the Am. S.S. Union. At S.S. at noon showed Egyptian relics and spoke of Egypt. On afternoon preached of Jesus in the Temple. Home at 5pm. Stopped at John B. Smith's both going and coming. Met Michll. Collins. Cornerstone of cathedral laid on Asylum Hill by Bp. McFarland with much ceremony. Father called. Called there. Read in evening. Mr. Smith called from East Hartford. Retired at 11.
Monday, May 19, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright day. Corrected proof of Review Exercise. Johnn came in at 10. Worked on copy of Review Exercises. Johnny after dinner. Telegraphed Parker House & Miss Bacon. Called at Leymes', McClune's, Bank & Pease's. Had hair cut. Wrote letters. Called at Father's. Off at 7.10 for Boston. Mailed proof to Kirkpatrick at Springfield. Slept on cars. At Boston at 11.30. George Wattles met me. With him at Parker House. Retired at 12.
Tuesday, May 20, 1873

(Boston) Up at 6.40. Bright day. called at old book store. At Shute's wrote up diary and on Independent items. Pratt called. Called twice at E. D. Goodrich's. Had talk with him about Foreign S.S. work. Called at Noyes'. Met Arthur Gilman. Telegraphed Kirkpatrick as to shape of Review Exercises. Dined at Parker's with Shute. Off for home at 3pm. Read and wrote on cars. Home at 7.30. Downtown with Johnny to lunch at Briggs'. Called at Father's. Retired at 10.30.
Wednesday, May 21, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Wrote at home in forenoon, and until 4pm., on Review Exercise copy. Down to Centre Church lecture room to semi-centennial of Hartford Theological Seminary. Met Parsons, Gould & others. In evening Parsons called and remained until midnight. Went to depot with him for owl train. Rainy afternoon and evening. Retired at 1.30. Baby restless. Alice up until 2.40.
Thursday, May 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9. Rainy day. Robert came to lay turf. Worked on proof and copy of Review Exercises. Called at Father's. Obtained money for Mother. Downtown with Johnny. Previewed Charley's photographs. Looked at Brussels carpets at Bee Hive. In evening entertainment proposed by Sophy & Johnny. At Father's again. Gurdon off trouting. Retired at 11.30.
Friday, May 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.30. Bright morning. Called at Father's. Wrote up diary. Worked on Review exercises most of day. Head troubling me. Downtown about 4pm. Man came to set out flowers in early evening. Retired about 9. Waked with nausea and vertigo. Alarming sensation. Again asleep.
Saturday, May 24, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9 weak and ill. Dr. Stearns came and counseled rest. Worked in garden. Off at noon with Johnny for New York. Still ill. Met Dr. Hogue & W. T. Sherwinson on cars. Hurd came on at New Haven. At St. James Hotel at 5.30. After dressing dined at Hoffman House. Saw Walter Camp. Down to Central Methodist Church in evening at social gathering to welcome F. G. Hartley, Sec. of London S.S. Union. Met Vincent, Allen, & others there. Back to hotel and abed at 11.
Sunday, May 25, 1873

(New York) Up at 7. Bright warm day. Breakfasted at St. James Hotel. Down to Dr. Hall's Church S.S. Thence to 14th St. Presbn. Church with Johnny & Hurd. Met Frank Ferris. Sat in his infant classrooms awhile. All three of us with Wisewell necessitated to speak at close of S.S. Back to hotel. Napped it with Johnny, while Hurd went to church. Frank Allen came at noon and dined with us. Again in room. Looked over his annual report. Wisewell came in. Out in evening to Association Hall to meeting to welcome Mr. Hartley. Kingsbury there. He walked back to hotel with me. Retired at 10.30.
Monday, May 26, 1873

(New York) Up at 6. Bright day. Down to Dry St. to breakfast with Johnny. Off alone for Phila. at 8. Baker on train. Wrote as I rode. Met Dr. Beadle on street cars in Phila. At Union rooms about 11.30. Saw Kirkpatrick about book on Reviews. Dined at Continental lunch rooms with Rice. Talked over Union matters with him. Talked with Wurts about missionary work. Off for New York by 5.30 train. Telegraphed Wisewell. Slept on the way to New York. At St. Denis about 9.30. Wisewell there. TOok supper. Talked over New York matters with him. Retired at 11.30.
Tuesday, May 27, 1873

(New York) Up at 7. Up to Wilder's to see about Hartley. Breakfasted with Frank Allen. Down to 00000's with him. Bought suit of clothes. At Wisewill's. Met Kingsbury. Up to Grand Central depot at 12.10. Trains changed. Off at 1 for New Haven. At New Haven stopped awhile at North's writing. Called at Pardee's and Searle's. Neither of them in. Off at 5.45 for home. Wrote on diary. Johnny met me at depot. George sick in Boston. Read letters in evening. Called at Father's. Annie Slosson there. Johnny off for Boston at midnight. Retired at 12.30.
Wednesday, May 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Wrote letters. Worked on Review Exercises. Alice house cleaning. Man from North Haven called to see me. Johnny and his brother George came about 2pm from Boston. Downtown about 4.30. Back to tea late. Heavy rain in afternoon. At Father's in evening. Met James there. Talked about Pardee. Retired at 11.15.
Thursday, May 29, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.15. Bright warm day. Ellis and assistant came to clean up about house, shake carpets and care for garden. Mr. Clift at Father's. Saw him there. He called at house. Wrote on review exercises. Man came for mattress. Downtown at 5 with John B. Smith. Met Dr. L. Williams of Pomfret at Allyn House; also Dr. Carleton and Calvin Child. With Dr. Williams at depot. Downtown with Johnny after tea. Obtained flowers for graves of Henry Camp and brother Tom. Capital question decided in legislature. Retired at 10.
Friday, May 30, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7. Off at 8.10 for Greenwich. Stopped for meal train at Stamford. Heard of great fire in Boston. Met Gen. Carleton, at Greenwich about 1. Dined at B. Wright's. Made ready for afternoon speech. At Congl. Church delivered Decoration Day address. After visit to cemeteries off for home. Reached Hartford by steamboat train about 9.45. Retired about 10.30.
Saturday, May 31, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.40. Called at Father's. Worked on reviews and other writing. Downtown. Off at 1.50 for New Haven. Wrote statement in behalf of Col. Pardee. Called at S. D. Pardee's and left it, in New Haven. Off for Stonington at 3.25. Met Mr. Ward and others on cars. At Stonington took tea at Mr. Barker's. Called at Mr. Stanton's to condole with him on Edmund's death. Thence to Dr. Hyde's. Called at Uncle Frank's. Back to Dr. Hyde's for the night. Retired at 10.30.
Sunday, June 1, 1873

(Stonington, CT) Up at 6.30. Bright day. Up with Dr. Hyde to Mr. Stanton's. Edmund's remains just received. Called at Mr. Saml. Stanton's. Met Rev. Mr. Gilman. Attended Congl. Church. Heard Rev. Mr. Wales preach on Knowing the terms of the law. At S.S. at noon. Called at Billy Pendleton's. Made ready for afternoon service. At 3pm attended Edmund Stanton's funeral. Spoke at it briefly. Mr. Clift & Mr. Gilman took part. Called at Uncle Frank's, Horace's, etc. Spoke in evening on Luke 11.46. Retired at 10.30.
Monday, June 2, 1873

(Stonington) Up at 5. Off at 5.45 for New York. Met Mr. Ayres & Col. Rodman on cars. At New Haven met Johnny Wattles, also Prest. Porter & Chapin. In New York about 1. Called at Wisewell's and Frank Allen's. Lunched with latter. At Independent office. Talked with Prof. Ward about Mr. Haven. Met Allen & Wisewill at latter's room about 6 to talk over Reviews. Off at 8 for home. Slept on the way. Home at 1. Retired at 1.15.
Tuesday, June 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Bright cool day. Dr. Bushnell called. Worked on Review Exercises. Father called. Called at Father's. Soldier of 7th Ct. drew $5 from me. Downtown after writing letters. Sent proof to Kirkpatrick. Hand long talk with Saunders. Arranged papers in evening. Retired at 10.30 after bath.
Wednesday, June 4, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 7.50. Packed for start to Iowa. Called at Father's. Down to bank, life insurance office. Worked on monthly statement. Off at 1.50pm for New York. Wrote Independent copy. At Scofield's at 5.20. Off from Chambers St. by Erie R.R. for Binghamton at 7pm. Retired at 8.15. Heavy rain in night.
Thursday, June 5, 1873

(Erie R.R.) Up at 4.30. At Binghamton at 5. At Lewis House. Pleasant morning. Wrote on Review Exercise copy and to Kirkpatrick. At New York State S.S. Convention, at First Presbn. Church. Spoke on need of improving teachers. Heard Rev. W. S. Crafts. Met Dr. Gulliver. Dined with him. Craft & Miss Timarius there. Rode to Inebriate Asylum, met Carroll Hyde and Mrs. Annes. Again at Convention. Off at 5.30 for St. Louis. Supped at Horrelville. Took sleeping car at Buffalo. Retired about 1am.
Friday, June 6, 1873

(Lake Shore R. R.) Up at 6. Breakfasted at Cleveland. Wrote up diary. Finished monthly a/p. Wrote 0000 & Wattles. Sent check for $411.29 to Phila. Wrote letters and conversed on S.S. matters with Hartley all day. Lunched at Toledo. Dined at 4.30 at Elkhart. At Chicaco about 8. Rode across city to Alton depot. Off in sleeping car soon after 9. Crowded train. Retired at 10.30. Met Rev. Mr. Foote of St. Louis.
Saturday, June 7, 1873

(Chicago & Alton R. R.) Up at 6.30. Train behind time. At Alton took a breakfast car about 9.30. At Miller's Station killed a passenger. Horrid sight. In at St. Louis about 11am. Stopped at Southern Hotel. Called at Paxson's and Browner's. Wrote copy for Independent. E. D. Jones called with reporters. Mr. Hartley went with Jones. Out to Bramner's to tea. Met O. H. Browning, J. B. Henderson, and others. At E. D. Jones with Browner at 10.30. Retired at 11.15.
Sunday, June 8, 1873

(St. Louis) Up at 7. Hot day. Out to No. Presb. Ch. S.S. at 9. Spoke there on Dr. Todd & Joseph. With Paxson at Union Meth. S.S. To Pilgrim church. Heard Rev. C. E. Goodell preach on Peter & John healing cripple. Spoke in S.S. of 000 church, telling of New Britain S.S. Called on Mrs. Thos. Finney. Dined at Planter's Hotel. Out to Biddle Market mission at silver Wedding of S.S. & 000 Morrison. Spoke of advantages of responsibilities of the S.S. Spoke also in infant class of "glove exercise". At Benton St. Mission. Spoke on infant class & 0000 room. Back to Glass. Read & wrote. In 0000 0000 meeting in 00000 Ninth Ch. to guest Hartley. Followed him in brief speech. Back to Jones'. Retired at 11.
Monday, June 9, 1873

(St. Louis) Up at 5.00. Showery morning. Soon cleared. Met Paxson at Planter's Hotel. Off with him and Hartley at 7.35 for Mt. Pleasant. Wrote up diary. Prepared S.S. Concert exercise on Christ in Prophecy & History. Dinner in Pullman car. Mr. Paxson and child met us near Louisana. At Burlington met young Rockwell. Conductor Denslow on train of Ch. B & R. R. R. At Mt. Pleasant about 8.30, met by Mr. John Whiting. Went home with him. Pleasant evening there. Retired about 10.30. Slept with Mr. Hartley.
Tuesday, June 10, 1873

(Mt. Pleasant, Iowa) Up at 7.30. Bright mild day. Rode out with Mr. T. Whiting. Went to his house to stay. Wrote on Review Exercises most of day. Into town after tea, about town with Mr. Teter. In forenoon visited Public School, also grounds of Insane Asylum. Met Sigler, Knapp, S. M. Marsh and others about 7. At Union Hall in eveg. Attended State S.S. Conv. of Iowa. Spoke on the importance of this work, and the worth of training for it. Back to Mr. T. Whiting's about 10.30. Retired at 11.15.
Wednesday, June 11, 1873

(Mt. Pleasant, Iowa) Up at 6.45. After breakfast down to the Convention. Spoke on Union work in connection with Sunday schools. In afternoon spoke on The Sup't & His Work. Took tea at John Whiting's. F. G. Ensign there with Mr. Arms of Monmouth. Ensign left for house. Talk with Mr. Whiting and others about Institute work. Money raising in evening. Retired about 10.45.
Thursday, June 12, 1873

(Mt. Pleasant, Iowa) Up at 6.50. Bright day, somewhat warmer. Bible reading, led by Burwell, in forenoon, at Convention. In afternoon spoke on "need of Better Teaching and How to Harvest". Made ready for a start. Off for Chicago at 6.30, with Burwell, Lyon, Arms, Gilmore & others. Pleasant evening. Long talk with Lyon. Retired about 11. Good air. Good sleep.
Friday, June 13, 1873

(C.& B. & Q. R. R.) Up at 5.45, nearing Chicago. In about 6. Breakfasted at Sherman House. Ensign and Marsh came to take us to ride about the city. Called at Jacob's & Cheney's. Both out. Called on Blackall, Lyon, Whittle, J. B. T. Marsh, Gen. C. H. Howard, Rev. Dr. Humphrey, Rev. Dr. Roy. Met Prof. Hyde. Bought tickets. Called on Prof. David at Sherman House. Off at 5.10 by C. Ft. W & P.R.R. for Phila. Stopped at Plymouth, but took no supper. Retired at 10.
Saturday, June 14, 1873

(Ch. & P.R.R.) Up at 6 near Wooster, Ohio. Quite sick from nausea. Breakfasteed at Alliance. Wrote up diary. Met Mr. Stetson of Boston, at Pittsburgh at noon. Long talk with him and his son. Dined at Pittsburgh. Unable to write much during the day from headache. Wrote towards night and in evening on Visible Aids in Reviewing. Supped at Altoona. Returned at 9.30. Up at 2.15am. In at Philadelphia about 2.40. At Continental and abed soon after 3am.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sunday, June 15, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up at 7. Took bath. Breakfasted at 8.15 with Hartley. J. N. Baker called. We went together to Dr. Withrow's. Thence to Dr. Newton's S.S. Heard Miss Benson teach her class. Attended church at M.E. Church on Arch St. Heard Rev. Dr. Tiffany preach on all good gifts with Jesus. Home to Dr. Withrow's to dinner. Earnest talks as to summer vacations. Out to Spring Garden Baptist S.S. Thence to Bethany S.S. Back to Dr. Withrow's. After tea out to Bethany S.S. rooms to attend greeting services given for reception of Sec. Hartley. Back to Continental for night after supper, retired at 11.
Monday, June 16, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up at 8. Warm day. After breakfast called at Union rooms with Hartley. Talked over Review with Kirkpatrick and mission work with Watts & Rice. Out to "Times" office. Met McCook at Union rooms. Met Wannamaker at his store about 1pm. Dined with him, Hartley, Holder, Baker, Brown & Withrow. Off at 3pm for New York. Read proof of Reviews as I journeyed. At St James Hotel at 6.30.
Tuesday, June 17, 1873

(New York) Up at 8.15. Hot day. Breakfasted with Hartley. Down to Wisewell's with Wattles. Met Allen there. Corrected proof of his report. Off at 12 for home. Wrote and read on cars. Home about 5. All well. Called at Father's. Sent off proof of Review Exercises to Phila. Retired at 10. After dressing out to 0000 church to S.S. Teacher's Assocn. Met Vincent, Haven, Allen, Wattles, & John B. Smith. Smith gave review exercise. Supped with Hartley, Vincent, Smith & Wattles. Retired at St. James at 12.15
Wednesday, June 18, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.30. Hot day. Wrote on copy for Independent. Read letters. Called at Father's two or three times. Down to depot at noon intended to go to Talcottsville to Congl. Gen. Assocn. Learned that the meeting was well nigh over. Returned and wrote again. Downtown with Johnny about 5pm. Mr. Clift came to Father's. He called with Annie in evening. Over with Alice to Father's. Retired about 11. Children out to Baptist fair in evening.
Thursday, June 19, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Very hot day. Wrote copy for August World. Then wrote letters and on Review Exercises. Called at Father's about 5.30. Downtown with Johnny. At Brown & Thompson's bought undershirts for Charley. Received donations of $5000 from Mr. J. F. Slater of Norwich, for Union, with other money from 2nd Cong. Church. Wrote up diary. Out to Asylum Hill Church in evening. Mr. Twichell spoke of Mr. Vaughan's death. Judge Carpenter spoke of Judge Butter's. Retired at 10, after call at Father's.
Friday, June 20, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Balanced cash. Downtown after breakfast. Ordered coal at Hatch & Taylor's. Bought undershirts at Corey's. Wrote Mr. Slater in acknowledgement of his gift to Union. Bought straw, berry syrup, also ice-cream for dinner. Wrote on Review Exercises. Called at Father's. Retired at 11.15. Mrs. Denny and friend with Mrs. Gallaudet for night.
Saturday, June 21, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15 with headache. Downtown with Johnny. Saw Mr. Burt about Mr. Hartley's visit. Met Dr. Sterns. Talked with him about ear. Off to Springfield by 2pm train. Johnny went to New Haven at 3.30. Bought present for Mother to send Sophy Van Allen. At Springfield met Holland and others at Mr. Brewer's office. Talked with Brewer about contribution in aid of a missionary worker for the Union. Called on Charles Merriam at his office. Off for hom at 6.30. Coal put in during day. Had hose out in the evening washing the walks. Johnny back by steamboat train. Retired at 10.30.
Sunday, June 22, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Cool pleasant day. Out to Asylum Hill Church in the forenoon. Heard Twichell preach on Christ's presence with his disciples-or their presence with him. Out to S.S. in afternoon. Spoke in Infant classroom. Talked with Chinese scholars of Mrs. Bartlett's class. Wrote on letter to Ned. Read in Dr. Stowe's library. Called at Father's. Pleasant hour of evening home worship. Out to Camp's with Johnny. Back about 10.30. Retired at 11.15.
Monday, June 23, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.20. Showery morning. Worked on Review Exercises. Finished copy for it. Wrote Fred Camp. Downtown with Johnny. Saw Mr. Burt & Mr. Lambe & Mr. Hurd about Mr. Hartley's reception. Brought preserve plates at Mr. Skinner's. Finished letter to Ned. Balanced cash. Wrote up diary. Called at Father's.
Tuesday, June 24, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Off at 9.37 for Springfield. Called on Holland, also on Mr. Merriam. Had talk about Geo. Gray's debts in Japan. Off at 12.15 for East Hampton. Dined there. Met Hon. Henry Stickbridge of Baltimore. Called at Dr. Luby's. He away from home. Met Rev. Mr. Read & F. A. Brewer, of Springfield. Called at Mr. Milliston's & Mr. Knight's. At 4pm heard Rev. H. M. Parsons deliver his address before the alumni on The Training Needful for Citizenship. At the alumni meeting, subsequently spoke on the value of being trained. Yoke as yolk. Off for Springfield at 6.30. Supped at Massasoit with Reed & Brewer. Home by steamboat train. Called at Father's. Alice out to Seminary Commencement. Satzer's here. Slept with Johnny. Retired at 12. Wrote on Independent copy.
Wednesday, June 25, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Warm day. Wrote further on Independent items. Read and examined papers. Downtown after dinner. Called at Bank, Prescott's, Talcott & Post's, O.S. Kelsey's, Hatch & Tyler's. etc. Met Dr. Bushnell. Looked in at House of Representatives. Examined sprinklers at plumbers. Bought meat at Peckham's. Wrote letters. Mr. Fessenden called after tea. Downtown to Prescott's in evening. Wrote up diary. Retired at 11.
Thursday, July 26, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Downtown to Comm. Fire Ins. Co. and to Prescott's. Obtained picture for Mary. After dinner took a nap. Wrote article on Reviews, as editorial for Nat'l S.S. Teacher. Down to hotel in evening looking for Prof. Ward. Johnny out to Mr. Gillette's, with Morgan St. S.S. teachers. At Father's. Also at James'. Talked with him about Aetna stock. Retired at 12.15 with Johnny. Bought lawn sprinkler at the plumber's. Tested it.
Friday, June 27, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Gatman off at 10. Met Mrs. Howland (Clarence King's mother) at depot. Called at J. B. Russell's & Prescott's. After dinner wrote article on "The Supt. as a Speaker" for Sept. S.S. Journal. (Vincent's). Down to Kelsey's with Johnny. Wrote notes of address at Edmund Stanton's funeral. Wrote letters. Wrote up diary. Retired at 12.15 after talk with Johnny in his room, and a bath.
Saturday, June 28, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 6.30. Off at 7.30 for New Haven. At 11 met Mr. Hartley. Took ride with him. Called on Searle. Visited college buildings. Dined at New Haven House. Rode out to West Haven & Allington. Caught in rain storm. Severely drenched. Back to Searle's house. Dried slowly by kitchen fire. Johnny came from Hartford. Took ride after supper. Off to North Haven at 8.10. Warner on cars. At Mr. Reynold's house at 8.30. Pleasant evening there. Retired at 10.30.
Sunday, June 29, 1873

(North Haven) Up at 7.30. Made ready for forenoon service. Hot day. Preached Conscience sermon at Congl. Church in forenoon. At S.S. at noon. Prepared for afternoon service. At 4pm gave address at Memorial Services in Congl. Church in honor of the dead of the war. Met Gen. Greeley and others. Rode to New Haven. At Wesley chapel in evening. Heard review exercises of S.S. Mr. Hartley spoke. Followed him in brief address. At Searle's house afterwards. Had supper. Retired at 11.
Monday, June 30, 1873

(New Haven) Up at 6.30. Off at 8 with Mr. Hartley for Hartford. Johnny on same train. At home about 9.40. Rode about town, after a walk to Atheneum. Attended ministers meeting. Called Dr. Burwell. After dinner read awhile. Off at 4.50 for Springfield. Supped at Massasoit . Rode and walked about town. Off at 8.10 for Boston. Johnny on train. At Parker House about 11.50. Retired at 12.
Tuesday, July 1, 1873

(Boston) Up at 7.30. After breakfast out to Shute's. Visited Cong. House with Mr. Hartley. Wrote copy for Independent. Out to dinner with Shute & Hawley. Met. Mr. Foley. Had corns cut. At Wesleyan Hall at 5.30. Introduced Mr. Hartley to Boston workers. At Shute's again. Off at 9pm for house with Johnny. Talked with Johnny about his course of study and work. Home and abed at 2. Slept in Johnny's room, Thomas Gallaudet with us.
Wednesday, July 2, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Dr. E. F. Brown called to see Johnny. With him to depot. Made out monthly a/p. Read letters. In afternoon Johnny taken ill with pleurisy. Down to Dr. Hunt's. Retired at 11.30 sleeping on floor in Johnny's room. Wakeful night, watching Johnny.
Thursday, July 3, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Thos. Gallaudet with us. Robert Erwin called. Dr. Hunt came in to see Johnny. Moved Johnny to spare room. Down to Phoenix & Aetna Insurance; also to bank. Ice cream for dinner. Paid Mr. Trask's bill. Called at Father's. Mother Gallaudet went to Fairfield at 3.50 with Thomas. Robert Erwin came to tea with Johnny. Over to Father's in evening. Retired at 11. Very hot day and night. John B. Smith called in the evening.
Friday, July 4, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Hot morning. Robert Erwin with us. Called at Father's. Completed corrections on Review Exercises. Downtown with Ally before dinner to buy crackers. Bought ice-cream for dinner. Wrote up diary. Downtown with letters before tea. Met Rev. W. B. Capron. He called in evening. Set off fireworks. Pleasant gathering of children in yard. Called at house. Retired at 11.
Saturday, July 5, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.20. Hot day. Johnny not quite as well. Downtown with bank books. Arranged Aetna stock payments for Johnny & self. Afterwards arranged Father's with Paine & Gurdon. Telegraphed Allen & Vincent. Obtained $55 from W. S. Squire as cont of So. Cong. Ch. to S.S. Union. Off at 1.45 for New York. Wrote up diary. Wrote Independent notes. At St. James Hotel about 5.30. Met Robert Erwin there. Rec'd telegram from Johnny as to Mr. Hartley. Dined. Down to St. Denis Hotel. Stopped there. Later, uptown to Allen's rooms. He at Buffalo. At Wilder's. Met J. Finley Smith. Saw Walter Camp. Found Vincent at St. Denis about 10. Retired about 12.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sunday, July 6, 1873

(New York) Up at 6.30. At Wilder's about 8.50. Met Mr. Hartley. Went with him to St. Paul's (R.C.) church. Saw Father Bodfish. Borrowed French book of him. At Dr. Tyrig's Church. Heard Dr. preach. Attended communion service there. Spoke with the Dr. Called on Walter Camp. Dined with Hartley, & Vincent at St. Denis. Up to 35th Street. Thence to 36th St. at Broadway Tabernacle mission. Met young Underwood. At 43rd St M.E.S. missionary meeting. All of us spoke there. Called at Wilder's. Saw Capt. Wheeler. Down to Y.M.C.A. rooms. Met Walter Camp. With him at St. Denis at supper. Met Vincent. Retired at 10.45.
Monday, July 7, 1873

(New York) Up at 7. Saw Vincent a few minutes. Downtown. Breakfasted at Parker's. Off at 8.50 for Phil. Wrote up diary. Wrote for Independent and World. At Union rooms about noon. Saw 0000 and Kirkpatrick. Dined with Baker. Talked over S.S. Quarterly with him. Off for New York at 3pm. Read and wrote on cars. At New York soon after 6. Supped at Ashland House. Obtained cologne of Walter Camp. Off for home at 8.05. Home about 12.50. Not feeling well. Sick night.
Tuesday, July 8, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 9 after sick night. Mother and Gurdon off for Saybrook at 10. Father called at house. Called there twice. Kept housed most of day. Slept in afternoon. At Father's in evening. Willie Camp called after dinner. Retired at 10.30. Arranged papers during day and evening.
Wednesday, July 9, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.45. Warmer again. Balanced cash. Johnny better. Sophy ill. Downtown. Called at J. B. Russell's & Aetna office as to Father's stock. Dr. Hunt called. Wrote in afternoon. John B. Smith called. Rode with him to Wethersfield. Johnny gaining. Retired at 10.
Thursday, July 10, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. May packed for a start. Wrote article for Sep't. "World". Over to Father's after early dinner. Saw May & Prime & Annie Slosson off for Boston. Mother & Gurdon home from Saybrook about 10. Downtown. Looked for trunk for summer travel. Called at T.T.00000. Dr. L. Williams called at gate with Dr. Hunt. Down to post office in evening. Retired at 11.
Friday, July 11, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Johnny again down. He kept his bed all day. Mr. Merriam called to see about Geo. Gray, who had reached home ill, and must go to the Retreat. Downtown with him. Met Alice. Bought trunk and traveling bag. Ally with her. Met Warner & Hawley. Home to dinner and work. Down to bank. Obtained $145 on check for Father. Severe rain. Called at Dr. Hart's about Sophy. Home and worked on Review proofs, also on Concert exercise. Wrote Rice & Kirkpatrick. Called at Father's. Wrote on diary. Retired at 11.
Saturday, July 12, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Charley ill. Downtown to bank. Bought books for Johnny. Called at Brown's market. Paid bill to him. Ordered articles for Sunday from markets. After dinner corrected proofs of Review Exercises. Wrote Kirkpatrick & Homes & Merriman. Commenced Concert exercise for Sep't. "World". Down to meet Fred Camp coming from Norwich. After tea downtown with him to Dr. Hunt's, Leyms & Co., Sander's, etc. Wrote up diary. Johnny kept his bed all day. Retired at 10.30.
Sunday, July 13, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Baby better. Out to Asylum Hill Church. Heard Rev. C. M. Wines preach good sermon on "All Souls Are Mine". Made lobster salad at noon. Over to Father's. Out to S.S. with Fred. In Judge Carpenter's class. After tea out to Camps with Fred. Pleasant chat after our return. Retired at 11.15.
Monday, July 14, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8.15. Warm day. Finished concert exercise for Sept. Downtown with Fred. Paid tax bills for self and Father. Bought flowers. At bank & Brown & Gross'. Fred off at 2.15. Wrote for World. Down to depot at 4.50 train. Met Mr. Merriam & May Gray. Down to post office. Bough tubing for fountain. Experimented with it. Retired about 10 after putting up mosquito net. Charley restless.
Tuesday, July 15, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Mr. Staver called to talk over foreign S.S. work. Fletcher called. Downtown with Johnny. Called at Aetna office. Rode to Insane Retreat. Saw Dr. Denny. Talked with him about Gen. Gray. Saw Geo. Gray for the first time since his return from Japan. Hom to late dinner. Wrote again on copy for Sep't "World". Down to post-office. Called at Mr. Fessenden's. Wrote up diary. Wrote letters. Retired at 10.30.
Wednesday, July 16, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 4.30. Wakeful morning. Again asleep until 7.45. Wrote letters. Downtown with Johnny. At bank. Bought rubber pillow; also feather windmill. May came back at noon from Isle of Shoals with Prime & Annie. Arranged Aetna stock matters with Annie & Prime & Father & Johnny. Balanced cash. Wrote letters again. Down to Aetna office with Johnny. Bought new hat. Prime off at 6.25 for Profile House. Wrote Independent copy & other letters. Wrote up diary. Retired at 10.30.
Thursday, July 17, 1873

(Hartford) Up at 8. Showery morning. Wrote letters. Decided to try Eastern Point for an August home, instead of Bethlehem. Down to bank. Called at Father's. Met James. Off for New York at 1.50. Met Mrs. Durant; also Gov. Claflin & his wife. Wrote up diary. Off for Newark by 6.10 train. Called at Peltz's. He out of town. Off at 7.30 for Phila. Wrote for Independent in Newark depot and on cars. At Continental about 10.45. Had supper. Hot night. Retired about 11.45.

Friday, July 18, 1873

(Philadelphia) Up about 6 after restless night. At Mr. Kingsbury's about 8. He absent. Talked with Kellogg about Union matters. Called at Union rooms. Saw Kirkpatrick, Dr. Wilbur & Hurts. Corrected proof of "World" articles. Off for home by 11am train. Met Prof. Atherton at New Brunswick. Rode with him thenceforward. At New York about 2.15. Dined at Ashland House. Off at 4.30 for New Haven. Met Ferris, Searle, & Matthias on train. Supped at New Haven. Off at 8.10 for Hartford. Met. Gen. Goodyear on cars. Rainy evening & night. Home about 9.50. Retired about 10.30.